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Why Geraldo Won't Run for Senate

Geraldo Rivera's publicity stunt took a bad turn Today with a poll that has been released.

Rivera said that he was "seriously considering" running for the Senate in New Jersey. Just about everyone thinks Rivera is just trying to get his name back out there as he seeps further and further into oblivion.

But, in the case that he was really considering, he might want to take a look at this. 

A pool release by Monmouth University Today, shows that only 26% percent of New Jersey Voters say they would vote for Geraldo.

The results were also unpromising among Republicans. Forty-four percent said they would be somewhat or very likely to vote for Rivera, while 48 percent would be unlikely.

As Monmouth concluded, "New Jersey voters do not seem to be keen on the idea."

Sorry Geraldo, you might want to stick to TV.

H/T HuffPo