An Abrupt Departure From This CBS O&O
KOVR/KMAX Consumer Reporter Kurtis Ming has left the CBS O&O after more than two decades, and he didn’t even say goodbye.
Ming hosted the consumer advocacy program “Call Kurtis”, and had been with the station for 22 years.
When it came time to say goodbye, the viewers did not hear from Ming, but instead it was Anchor Tony Lopez giving Ming’s farewell message on the air. Lopez said Ming has decided to “take another road.” “Sometimes change is expected, sometimes it’s unexpected,” Lopez added, noting it’s been hard for the newsroom to process the news. “No one saw this coming.”
Lopez told viewers that the “Call Kurtis” franchise will continue. Although, unless they hire another guy named Kurtis, I’m guessing the name will change.
I fell like we’re not getting the full story on this departure. Then again, it is the communications business.