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They Towed My Car Away

When I moved to Orlando, I bought annual passes to Disney, Universal, and Sea World.

It is nice to be able to pop into the park for breakfast or lunch, or just for a quick walk around the park.

I spend a lot of time in the parks, and it is heartwarming to see the “Make A Wish” kids eyes light up when they are brought to a park.

“Make A Wish” gives kids who are dying a chance to spend their day at a themepark. Watching this kids smile from ear to ear is awesome. The fact that I get to see this play out so often is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.

For as long as I can remember, I have always had two cars. One car was my daily driver, and the nicer car was saved for weekend and trips.

But, I started thinking, I really don’t need two cars. So, I thought about selling my Chevy Volt, which has been an awesome car.

I knew I could make a few thousand dollars, and it was time to go back to having just one car.

But, as I thought about it, I thought would getting a few thousand dollars for my Volt really be a life changer? Am I in absolute need of the money?

The answer to both those questions was “no”, so I decided I would donate my Volt instead.

When it came to a place to donate to, I chose “Make A Wish.”

The fact that my car could be sold by “Make A Wish” and give one dying kid and his/her family a totally awesome day at their favorite theme park, was an easy choice.

So, “Make A Wish” showed up, loaded up my Chevy Volt and took it away.

I’ll miss the car, but I won’t miss the money I could have gotten from selling it. I’m glad to do my tiny part in making a kid’s day at the park.

Something are so much better than money.

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