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So, What Happens to the Money?

Back in August, in a Patron-Only story, FTVLive told you that KTNV (Las Vegas) kicked Reporter Bryan Horwath to the curb.

Sources tell FTVLive that Horwath had about 5 months left on his contract as he was let go.

But here’s an interesting sidenote on this.

Scripps has a program called the “Journalism Journey Initiative.” Scripps was given money by tech giant Google, with a gold of taking accomplished print journalists and redeploying them in TV newsrooms.

Google made the financial commitment to Scripps to underwrite the newly created program. It was a win-win, as Scripps was able to hire qualified print reporters and teach them how to be TV reporters. All while Google help pay the bills.

Guess who was in Scripps inaugural class of Journalism Journey Initiative journalists?

That’s right….Bryan Horwath.

In making the announcement back in January of 2023, Scripps said:

Bryan Horwath is a newspaper reporter and editor with 15 years of experience at media outlets across the U.S. He was most recently a business editor at the Las Vegas Sun. Horwath is active in the Society of Professional Journalists and serves as a board member for its Las Vegas chapter. Horwath will work at KTNV, Scripps’ ABC affiliate in Las Vegas.

But now, Scripps and KTNV parted ways with Horwath, so what happens to the money that Google gave Scripps to pay Horwath’s salary since he still had almost half a year on his contract?

You don’t think that Scripps…… naw, they wouldn’t do that, would they?

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