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Fewer are Seeing a Life in News as a Worthwhile Career

Here is an interesting story about how Journalism has become ground zero for the jobs crisis.

Layoffs are happening all over, and longtime Journalists are quitting, many citing “burnout” as their reason for getting out.

The story states, “…fewer people are seeing a life in news as a worthwhile career.”

In talking to GMs and News Directors, FTVLive often hears the same thing, “the talent pool is as shallow as it has ever been.”

We often hear that stations can’t hire quality people, and the ones available are just kids that “want to be on TV.”

“I feel like the only people applying are wannabe influencers who have no clue how to report a story,” a mid-market News Director told FTVLive.

In our mind, there are a number of reason for that.

First, stations need to pay better.

Second, we need to get back to doing respected journalism again.

The trust in the media is at an all-time low. Part of that is due to the fact that Donald Trump and others attack the media constantly. Trump’s attacks work, because so many members of the media aren’t willing to call out his actions.

But, the other problem is the stories being done by the media. Newsrooms look to cover the low hanging fruit of news stories. It’s easy and they don’t ahve to put in much effort.

As for paying people the salary they deserve, that’s not going to happen. Stations are willing to offer the seasoned vet a buyout and replace that person with someone with little experience making less than half what the vet made.

No one looks are hiring top Journalists, they look to hire cheap Journalists.

TV news is going the way of the newspaper industry, and while they could stop that from happening, they don’t seem so motivated to do so.

By the time TV news is dead, Perry Sook, Adam Symson and the others will be long gone from the industry.

So, for them, it’s all about money, and nothing to do with the future of the industry.

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