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Are You Certain on That?

The staff at Nexstar’s KTLA (LA) were sent a memo informing them that “Hamas protestors” vandalized a KCBS news van.

Longtime KTLA Photographer Bob Davis sent out the email, telling the staff at KTLA to be careful.

I have to ask: while this damage appeared to happen at a Hamas protest, how does Davis know that “Hamas protestors” caused the damage?

Cars get vandalized daily in LA; how does Davis know it was “Hamas protestors”? Did they have a sign on them saying “Hamas Protestor”?

As a longtime Journalist, I think you might rethink what you’re sending to the staff.

Just saying…

BTW- Here is video of the person puncturing the tire on news van.

I could not tell if it was a “Hamas Protestor” or just a random that hates the media.

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