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A Closer Look at The Company Scripps is Using

Yesterday, in a Patron Only story, FTVLive told you that the Scripps employees were sent a company survey.

In an internal memo sent to employees, Scripps CEO Adam Symson wrote, “Over the past year, our culture has taken a hit. Employees across the company are experiencing tremendous change, and while the changes have been necessary, the process has been too difficult to understand, fraught with uncertainty and painful.”

The bosses at Scripps can’t figure out why the employees are confused, surprised, or downright pissed at all the changes and layoffs that have taken place.

So, Scripps has hired McKinsey, one of the top consulting companies in the country, to conduct a survey of Scripps employees.

I don’t know how much Scripps is paying McKinsey, but I’m guessing it’s a lot.

Before Scripps employees fill out their survey, let’s have John Oliver tell us a bit more about McKinsey.


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