Cincy Anchor Says It Would Never Happen at His Station
Since it is well proven that Donald Trump often lies and spreads misinformation in his speeches, MSNBC says they decided not to air Trump’s victory speech in Iowa.
Rachael Maddow explained it this way.
WLWT (Cincy) Anchor Mike Dardis claimed that his station would never do such a thing.
I would claim that Trump used the media to help start the January 6th insurrection. Trump has been indicted for his role in inciting the insurrection.
Knowing that, doesn’t this give a least of a bit of a reason to not take what he says live? You can record his speech, edit out the known lies and turn it around and air it.
That’s not bad journalism, that’s responsible journalism.
One viewer made a good point to Dardis, and he blew it off as follishness. But was it really?
Another viewer chimed in.
Not your job to filter? You filter everyday.
When a Reporter goes out and shoots a story, they often interview people. Those interviews can last 10 minutes or more. But, by the time you see the story on the news, the clip they used from that interview might be only 15 or 20 seconds.
In other words, it was filtered.
If a guy is arrested for threatening people and there is video of him screaming racist remarks and making threats, will you see those racist remarks on the newscast?
No. Why…because the station filtered them.
It is the job of the media to fact check (filter) everyone. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or the butcher down the street.
Fox News let Donald Trump speak unfiltered and it cost them $787 million bucks.
No news organization should let a politician knowingly lie live on the air, no matter which side they are on.
I will say that after reading Dardis post and his comments, I think I know which side he’s on. He can claim otherwise, but I can only say this is how I feel.
I will be watching WLWT’s election coverage, and if they cut off a single politician’s live speech, whether it’s the Mayor, the person that lost for Mayor, or the guy running for dog catcher, I’m calling bullshit on Mike Dardis for filtering.
Stay tuned…