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Reporter Pleads Guilty in Fake Stalking Case

In a Patron Only story back in early July, FTVLive told you how WICU Anchor/Reporter Haley Potter was arrested and charged after investigators allege Potter had fabricated claims of stalking which led to a three-month investigation.

Potter had filed a report with the Pennsylvania State Police claiming that she had been a victim of ongoing stalking and harassment from an unknown person. Potter told cops that she had first received text messages followed by phone calls and voicemails. Potter claimed that the text messages showed the person sending her messages had extensive knowledge about her whereabouts at all times. She then said a handwritten note was then slid under her apartment door. She also claimed to have received flowers from the "stalker" delivered to the TV station.

After spending months investigating the claims, the Pennsylvania State Police said there was no stalker and Potter had orchestrated the whole thing.

“It was revealed that Potter had been responsible for all of the messages and stalker activity she reported having been the victim of,” the PSP report says. “The entire incident had been falsified by Potter and she misled the Pennsylvania State Police over the course of a three-month investigation.” 

Potter continued to be employed at the station after her arrest but eventually parted ways with WICU.

Potter went before a judge this week, where she pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years probation.

Here is how crosstown station WJET covered the court case.