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The Inbox...

Let’s open up the old Inbox and see which stories you guys are weighing in on.


Hi Scott,

I understand that the gimmicks of showing how ice melts in the heat and bacon fries are considered nice water cooler conversations by some.  But please doesn’t anyone think there is real news about the heat? Where are the packages about how the heatwaves are affecting wildlife and with data showing the damage caused?  Has any interviewed veterinarians about the caseload of pets with heat stroke etc?

In my opinion, there is too much of this low-hanging fruit reporting which makes local news a joke!  Maybe do something about drivers' safety with the heat showing people what o do to help protect their vehicles from the effects of heat.

My point is there are many stories that could be done that would benefit the viewers.  But the mindless captain obviously reports don’t require any journalism, research, and data.  


The offer to buy CNN.

Honestly Scott, it took me reading the whole thing to see the joke. As an outsider to the business, I was excited to read the possibilities: Unbiased, both sides of a political story, no fake news, and hourly updates. I remember the days when CNN & Headline News did just that, and I found myself watching periodically throughout the day. What I would give for a 24-hour news channel that actually updates news, along with professional reporting.

 A guy can dream.


Mike Cavender's lament is shared by most of us. But it's not hard to understand why TV News is a journalistic mess.

We know the Big Corps, who own too many stations, care only about the bottom line of making money and the main mantra sent to their staffs is best described by Mel Brooks' legendary line from SPACEBALLS.. "It's all about MERCHANDISING !" 

And that's why even all the daily Network newscasts now have weather co-anchors.  Never saw that nonsense with Cronkite et al. But now those News execs think "weather" sells. ABC will probably add a traffic reporter next.

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