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Longtime San Antonio Anchor Blames Female Managers for Ruining TV News

Steve Browne

Longtime KSAT Met Steve Browne retired from the station back in 2018 after 25 years of delivering the weather news.

While he retired back in 2018, Browne is apparently still stuck in the 1950s when many thought a woman’s place was in the kitchen.

Browne went on a sexist rant over how KSAT fired Sports Director Greg Simmons after he was arrested for DUI.

Before we get to his neanderthal rant, it should be pointed out that this was Simmons’ second arrest for DUI.

Apparently, the station gave him a second chance, and he fucked that up as well. If you drive drunk, you deserve to lose your job.


Browne talks about Simmons’ “mistake” and writes this, “I saw several examples of anchors making the same dumb mistake but it did not end their career. Its different now. Management then was all male and humanitarian principles ruled. Now that authority is dominated by women.”

So, he is blaming women for the reason for his buddy getting fired. If that’s the case, thank God we have women in charge that did exactly what should have been done.

Clearly, Steve Browne has no respect for women.

He finishes his post by writing, “mine. I know some women will take offense but I am just writing about what I am seeing. Let anyone who has never made a stupid decision under the influence of alcohol throw the first stone.”

Two things….

First, not some women, but all women should be offended by this post.

Second, I can assure you that I have “never made a stupid decision under the influence of alcohol” in my life, so I guess I get to cast the first stone.

Here goes….

Fuck you, Steve Browne, you sexist pig!

To the female managers at KSAT and all women bosses in TV news, I offer up an apology for having to read this idiot’s post. I can assure you not all men think like this pig.

Here’s his post.