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Can Reporters make Bets on Sports they cover?

An interesting story on niemanlab.org about any media company policy about Reporters making bets on sports that they cover.

The article starts out by saying, “Reporters often have inside information that could help them predict winners and losers in professional sports. They know more about potential trades, injuries, locker room dynamics, and who might go where (and when) in the draft process than the general public. Reporters even cast votes that help determine awards like Most Valuable Player, All-Star Game appearances, and the Hall of Fame. And, unlike professional athletes and team employees, there are few formal rules barring journalists from using that info for financial gain.”

The Reporter on the story reached out to media companies and basically got blown off. “…news orgs either declined to comment or simply didn’t respond,” the article said.

TV news is often very good about demanding transparency but really awful about practicing it themselves.

You can read the full story here.

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