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More Whacked at News 12

There were massive layoffs at News 12 this week, with eight members of their New Jersey team and 30 across their tri-state cable news network being cut.

Among those that caught the blade political reporter Alex Zdan and meteorologist James Gregorio, Rick Holmes, John Bathke, two veteran cameramen, a news producer, and an assignment desk editor.

Zdan, the most well-known to the state’s political community, expressed appreciation to the network for giving him the opportunity to cover New Jersey politics.

“I am grateful for my time at News 12, the people I worked alongside of, and having a platform to present an unbiased picture of the beguiling fiasco that is New Jersey politics,” Zdan said.  “All good things may come to an end, but I know even better days lay ahead.”

In a statement, News 12 said their coverage of local news will continue.

“News 12 is committed to its mission of connecting viewers to the hyperlocal, award-winning news they care about across the many platforms on which they consume content. As part of this mission, we are investing in more in-community reporting and events, creating content for streaming platforms, and making News12.com a user-friendly hub for all things local, said Janet Meahan, a spokesperson.  “We are proud of News 12’s history and look forward to continuing to be the go-to source of news for new and loyal viewers across all channels, platforms, and mediums.”

If you buy that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in.

H/T News Jersey Globe

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