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Picking Up for Kari Lake at KSAZ

When Kari Lake finally left (was push out) at KSAZ in Phoenix, a number of staffers told FTVLive that they were happy to see her gone.

Lake often pushed her right-wing views in social media and in the newsroom. “She was nowhere near being an objective Journalist,” said one staffer to FTVLive.

Many blamed management for letting Lake spout her opinions unchecked.

Now that Lake is gone, it appears that her co-anchor John Hook is trying to fill her shoes when It comes to messaging from the right.

While Hook wants to explore FB, IG, YouTube and Google, he seems perfectly fine with the messaging from Fox News, NewsMax and OAN.

As one insider at KSAZ said, “Hook is picking up right where Kari left off.”

The bottom line, it makes no difference if Hook is spouting the bullshit from the right, or the crap from the left. He is supposed to be an objective news Anchor and a Journalist.

Report the facts, report all sides of the story and let the viewers make up their own minds and keep your opinion to yourself.

It doesn’t seem that hard, but clearly the suits at KSAZ can’t explain this to their talent.

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