Let's Hope It Gets Better From Here
KCPQ (Seattle) launched their new show, dubbed “Studio 13” and here is hoping it gets better from here.
The two hosts giggle and chat inanely throughout the program. Irrelevant content.
You get a sample in this video below. They want viewers 'to feel good.' Noble goal, right?
This tease done with the regular morning anchors gets ruined when Bill Wixey forgets the name of the new co-host in the first minute of the tease.
The set is made up of thrift store artifacts and is so cheap looking as to be embarrassing.
It has a nerdy-looking announcer on camera reading this first ad.
It has a 'digital manager' on set offering tiktok trends and explaining social media slang, something we all need.
This show needs a lot of retooling and it took the Fox O&O 4 months to launch it.