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The Inbox...

The inbox has been full of takes about KTLA, and those are still coming in.

But, I wanted to share some emails about others stories that have been hitting FTVLive lately.

Here is what some of you have to say….

About the Erick Adame and him getting fired from NY1.


So, about that story….

While his message is a rather large mea culpa, and while he’s also got a lawsuit out trying to figure out who sent it out, there are some people who are defending him and being all ‘this is his private life and he shouldn’t be punished for it’, as if to normalize what he was doing as sex work (which, for the record, it wasn’t because Adame said it was as a result of compulsive behavior and he never made any money off of it).

I could go on about how his contract likely specified that there was some sort of morals clause.

I could also go on about his efforts to identify who sent it out.

But I’m going to focus on what I know.

There is one has been making the rounds for months, of him alone, and there are at least two videos that feature him in it, with other men. All are tied back to a username so graphic, it would make a grown man blush.

I saw this video. And I did not watch it for any kind of kick. I watched it because 1) someone sent it to me and I recognized him and 2) I wondered what was going on there. I made no effort to out him, but I am surprised it took this long for the story to come out.

Some have come to his defense on this, but we need to be honest and not kid ourselves on what was going on in that video.

This wasn’t some personal webcam session. It was a live ‘cam show’ that hundreds of people apparently watched. He even referenced that in the video.

I could also go into graphic detail on what he said and did in that video, but I will summarize it this was way—-he gave away so much identifying information (including his full name, address and phone number and where he worked), and said many things involving his work in that cam show—which lasted more than an hour—and did so many things (to and with himself, mind you) that were not only incredibly graphic, but also involved a variety of activities that would make anyone’s jaw drop in shock.

He said he has compulsive behavior.

The video I saw was evidently a cry for help, and I have a feeling he knew about the existence of the video(s) for months.

Additionally, even though he wished to keep this matter rather private—nothing ever really goes away on the internet. ‘Cam shows’ art often archived automatically by other websites.

In regards to the Queens funeral coverage.



In the “It’s all about me” American coverage in London, the BBC saved the day! The narcissism was everywhere with all the American networks and locals! Meh!

American television could learn a lesson about a world event with respect and most could care less about anchors sent to cover the funeral. Watch the BBC, that’s how news should be done!

A News Nation take.


Thanks for pointing out the tweet from SPJ Pres Rebecca Aguilar re NewsNation’s shameless cow-towing to Donald Trump.

STUNNING to see an aspiring news network called out that way, but it’s been equally stunning to watch the NewsNation implosion... without ever finding an audience.

No mystery why literally all of the legitimate talent -both on-camera and behind the scenes- long ago hit the exit.

As long as Trump pal Sean Compton is allowed to run the show, NN will remain the last refuge for the industry’s sex offenders-- and a punch-line.

Anyone still there still calling themself a journalist needs to take a hard look at their choices.

And, of course we have to share one take from inside KTLA:


I am a longtime employee at KTLA. The recent dismissal of Lynette is just the latest incident of a longtime employee being unhappy with management. Christina Pascucci, Courtney Friel, Dayna Devon are all leaving because of low morale.

We all learned Lynette was leaving at the exact same time, but that isn't unsual. We are never informed when people leave. We are never told when people are hired. There is no communication from the top to the bottom.

All departments are understaffed and management has been unable to hire for dozens of positions. The digital department had no manager for more than a year after Olsen and Melissa abandoned their team. For months there were 4 digital producers doing the work of 12. Reporters come and go. The morning show is completely on an island and many people walk on eggshells worrying that they are going to be let go or reassigned..

Pete Saiers is in over his head. Nexstar would be smart to evaluate moving him elsewhere.

Burritos can't solve what is wrong at KTLA.

-Signed, soon-to-be departed staffer at KTLA

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