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What Happened to Journalism?

I saw in my Twitter mentions someone pointed me to the social media of Jacquelyn Kisic, who apparently started working at WGMB/WVLA (Baton Rouge) back in January.

Her LinkedIn shows that she held a job as an MMJ at WJHG (Panama City Beach, FL) for just 6 months before moving to Baton Rouge, where she has been just over 6 months.

Her Instagram is filled with pictures of her in a bikini at the beach.

As you most likely know, I and a number of News Directors are not big fans of “cheesecake” pictures on your station-branded social media.

But I know that many people like to be ogled on social media and it feeds their large egos, so for that, I get it.

But, what concerns me more is the fact that Ms. Kisic doesn’t see herself as a Journalist, or even as a Reporter. She labels herself on her IG as a “News Personality”.

It is more than a bit concerning that these kids that are entering the world of TV news, don’t look at themselves as Journalists, but look at themselves as Kardashians’ “Personalities”.

If you are not looking at yourself as a Journalist, how can we expect the viewer to do so?

I get that people feel the need to post their swimsuit pictures and that’s fine. But, can’t you make a personal page to do that on and keep your work page “more professional”?

Just asking…

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