Fox News Continues to Move the Goalposts
There is no doubt that Donald Trump could be in some very serious trouble.
If Trump did have the highest level of top secret documents in his possession, it is a very real possibility that he is going to be indicted.
This possibility is hitting many at Fox News very hard and they are doing all they can to try and come up with excuses as to what happened.
First, according to Fox News, this was a raid by radical Democrats.
Then Fox News narrative changed to let’s see the warrant and see if this was really worth a “raid.”
A number of Fox Newsies then brought up the possibility that the FBI “planted” the evidence.
Next Fox News told you that Trump himself “declassified” all the documents and I guess that means the planted ones as well.
Then Fox News told viewers that Obama did the same thing. He did not
Then Brian Kilmeade showed a picture of the judge that signed off on the warrant, on a plane with Ghislaine Maxwell drinking whiskey and eating Oreos.
And now, Fox’s Fox's Sean Duffy is floating the story that Trump didn’t pack up the boxes and didn’t know what was inside.
Here’s Duffy trying to float the new Fox narrative.
And just to show that this is now the narrative that Fox News is going with, Ari Fleischer also is signed on.
It appears that Fox News has jumped aboard the Trump plane and no matter what, no one at Fox is getting off and is willing to stay on board until the crash.
I can assure you that this week, we will see more people on Fox News make more excuses for Trump and how having top secret documents in his possession either didn’t happen or is not that big of a deal.
Just watch.