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Nexstar's Board Extends Uncle Perry's Deal

It appears that Uncle Peery is staying on at Nexstar a bit longer.

The Nexstar board has agreed to extend Perry Sook’s contract until March 31, 2026.

The board cited Nexstar’s “consistent growth, financial outperformance, operating execution and record of value creation under Sook’s leadership.” In fact, it’s been a steady performer amid volatile markets, high inflation, rising interest rates and supply chain disruptions.

FTVLive does not disagree with Sook’s contract being extended.

Nexstar certainly has its faults just like any company. But, they are also one of a few media companies that did not lay people off during the pandemic and their local stations for the most part, cover the new objectively.

Looking at the job Sook has done, he has done fairly well with Nexstar.

That being said, there are some areas that we feel he needs to focus. First off, there are still a number of Nexstar stations that have some big diversity problems, as in, there is little diversity.

The same could be said of the management ranks at Nexstar. The company needs more females and more diversity in the management ranks.

Of course, there is also the problem of News Nation, although I really believe that Sook is going to see that change is needed in the people running NN and how they run it.

Perry Sook is a smart guy, he’ll figure that out.

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