Come On! It's The NBA Finals
The Golden State Warriors are in the NBA Finals, which is a big deal for the San Francisco area.
But, Nexstar’s KRON appears to be covering the team on the cheap.
KRON Sports Director Jason Dumas posted a video on Instagram of him running his own liveshot, and MMJing court-side at the NBA Finals in Boston where the Warriors played the Celtics.
I get that KRON is an MMJ shop, but to send your sports director alone across the country to the biggest sporting event of the year for your market?
“That’s just embarrassing, and beyond cheap,” said one station insider.
“How do you think it looks to fans or viewers to see the face of the sports department in market 6, the equivalent of a main anchor, out running their own liveshots at the NBA Finals? I’ll answer that - it doesn’t reflect well on the station. Come on,” the insider added.