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Be Like Jason

Yesterday, FTVLive posted a video of former WCCO TV and now WCCO radio guy Jason DeRusha.

For years, DeRusha was the morning anchor at the CBS O&O in the Twin Cities.

Back in 2018, FTVLive named DeRusha one of the Best TV People on Social Media.

We saw that on display again yesterday.

DeRusha posted about being on FTVLive and tagged us in his post. Not long after he posted it, his tweet had garnered 100 likes and a number of comments.

If you look a DeRusha’s Twitter account, you won’t see it flooded with selfies and I was not able to find a single dance video.

Yet, DeRusha has nearly 70,000 followers on Twitter.

Is that the most of any Anchor on social media? No, but 70K is very respectable, and the fact that he did the right way without dance videos and selfies shows, gives him much classier and more informed followers.

It shows that you can grow a following without bikini pictures, selfies, and stupid dance videos.

Also, no offense to Jason, but I really hope I never see him in a bikini. There isn’t enough therapy in the world to get that image out of my mind.

Just saying….

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