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I'm Calling Foul on This One...

It would appear the staff at Don Lemon Tonight have already found a workaround for Chris Licht’s “Breaking News” moratorium.

Watching Lemon’s show on CNN and chyrons have been billed “CNN ALERT.”

This seems to defeat the purpose of Licht’s noble mission. It creates the same false sense of urgency and reinforces the alarmist culture.

If Licht really intends to reign in the sensationalism of CNN, he must start with talent. Lemon and others were handpicked by Zucker because of their showmanship, not their journalistic ability. Licht needs to return true journalists to the anchor chairs.

Maybe his next mission should be a new graphics package. If they can’t handle a top line of the banner without making it into sensationalistic garbage, perhaps he should do away with that line altogether and reserve it only for the new, rare “breaking news” events. 

Just saying….

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