"Grease Ball, Mouth Breathing, Knuckle Draggers"
Back in May, FTVLive told you that WHBQ (Memphis) Chief Meteorologist Joey Sulipeck was pulled from the station’s air after he tweeted out what many said was a racist post.
As far as we know, has not returned to the station after he posted and deleted the tweet in which he referred to NBA player Draymond Green as a “knuckle dragger.”
Well, guess what?
Sulipeck isn’t the only TV news person to use the words “knuckle dragger” in a social media post.
At Nexstar’s KIAH, sports host Rachael Van Oranje posted this gem while talking about people living in New York.
One viewer called the GM at KIAH to complain about Van Oranje’s post and especially the term “knuckle dragger” which has been used as a derogatory term against Black people for years.
“I called the GM to bring up the concern and he told me the word “knuckle dragger” isn’t a slur toward Black people,” the viewer told FTVLive.
It has most certainly been used as a derogatory term against Black people. The fact that the GM doesn’t know this would surprise me.
Let’s hope that Nexstar’s corporate HR can pay a visit to the station and explain to them that a post like this is way out of pocket.