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Mercedes Will Drive AM Buffalo

Years and years ago, the AM Buffalo show on Scripps-owned WKBW (Buffalo) was a well-produced lifestyle show that was worth watching.

But, under Granite Broadcasting and so far continuing under Scripps it is nothing more than a pay-for-play show that is less about information and more about bringing in ad dollars.

The salespeople love these shows because their clients can be featured on the show with nothing more than softball questions and great product placement.

Melanie Camp was hosting the show but left for a gig in Houston and now WKBW has tapped Mercedes E. Wilson as the new host.

Wilson is no stranger to AM Buffalo as she was doing cooking segments on the show. Now she moves in as host.

It would. be great to see AM Buffalo return to the days when. the show was worth watching, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

It is and will remain, basically, a live infomercial.

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