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Fan Boying

When you work in TV news there are times you get the chance to do really cool stuff.

You might even want to take a picture of the thing you did, so you have it as a memory.

One time, I got the chance to have lunch at Jack Nicklaus’s house and I took a picture with Jack and it still hangs on my wall to this day.

But, when I ran into Jack Nicklaus while I was working, I was there to cover him and the tournament he was playing in. I wasn’t there to fanboy, ask for selfies, or anything else. I was there to do my job and that was it.

When I see KRON (San Francisco) Sports Director Jason Dumas posting selfies of himself with players and the NBA trophy while covering the Warriors parade, I cringe a bit.

Your job is Sports Director of a San Francisco TV station. Not the cheerleader for the local teams, and certainly some googly-eyed fan.

You’re they to do a job.

You take that picture, fine, but posting on your station-branded social media is not a good look.

There is a reason that Sports Journalists say there is no cheering in the press box.

The selfies and wearing the gear are for the fans, not the guy that is reporting on the team.

Hang the picture on your wall and keep it off social media.

You’re in a top 10 market, you should have learned this by now.

Just saying…

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