Was the Panic All for Nothing?
Many in the left-wing media went into full blown panic mode when it was announced that Elon Musk was going to buy Twitter and bring back Donald Trump to the platform.
The left acted like this would doom the future of the country.
But now, it appears that Musk is slowly backing out of the Twitter deal and it looks less likely that it is going to move forward.
Musk has been active on Twitter and yesterday he posted that he is no longer going to vote Democrat and move to the GOP.
I agree with what Musk says about the Dems, but I will add that the exact same thing can be said about the Republicans.
Most of the politicians, on both sides, will always put their party before what’s good for the country.
Unlike Musk, I have never voted for just one party and I never will. I have always voted for who I think is the best person for the job, and I don’t give a crap which party they are in.
Sadly, over the last few years, it is more like casting your vote as to who is the less of two evils.
This country’s political system is completely shot. Both sides our bent on dividing this country and putting their party ahead of the people.
Sadly, I don’t see this changing anytime soon.
As for Twitter and who runs it, I can assure you that no matter what, your’s and my life will go on as usual.
In the grand scheme of things, Twitter is really just something you use when you want to kill some time.
As for Elon Musk, I don’t agree with him on everything but I am a fan of his work in Solar, Space X and Tesla. If he wants to buy Twitter, I have no problem with it. As I said, it won’t really impact me either way.