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Now You Got the Conspiracy Nuts All Worked Up

When your station makes a chyron error, you never know where it will lead.

Brandon Walker is a Reporter at KPRC in Houston. But, he is also known as "Walker Graham" in Buffalo, New York.

The tinfoil hat people are jumping all over this one.

It seems that WKMG here in Orlando posted a story from Walker, but when it came time to identify him, they fonted him as "Walker Graham.”

A Twitter user posted the same guy with two different names.

The post has over 80,000 “likes” and some conspiracy theorists say that it is proof of another staged shooting.

Although, it does appear that Alex Jones is sitting this one out. Jones is on the hook for millions of dollars for claiming that the Sandy Hook shootings were staged.

Brandon Walker did weigh in on the post.

That reply also seemed to not fly.

Walker and WKMG are both owned by Graham Media and WKMG referred to him as “Walker Graham.”

Hmmmmm? I have my own conspiracy theory on that, but I’ll save it for another day.

WKMG did address the mistake.

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