Broadcasters Pass The Buck on Diversity
In an effort to get broadcasters from just hiring and promoting white people, the FCC had required all broadcast companies to fill out a form, showing what they are doing to bring diversity to their company.
The annual collection of Form 395-B has basically been on the back shelf for the past 20 years, but now the FCC is looking to bring it back and have broadcasters show what they are doing to diversify their workforce.
You would think this would be a good thing right?
Well, you might be surprised (or maybe you’re not) that the broadcasters are fighting back against this and they are making excuses as to why they are STILL lagging when it comes to diversity.
The the National Association of Broadcasters, along with 40 broadcasters, general managers, owners and others — from large and small companies and markets met with staffers for all the commissioners to push back on reinstating the form.
The broadcasters said they are all for improving diversity, but said restoring the form “would do nothing to help achieve this aim, and in fact, could distract the FCC and industry from more effective actions.”
Broadcasting and Cable writes that the broadcasters suggested to the FCC that they (the FCC) should “boost interest” in TV and radio jobs given that broadcasters already were doing “everything in their power to attract and retain diverse talent” against a Big Tech industry draining the workforce.
“Everything in their power to attract and retain diverse talent”?
Broadcasters are blaming the fact that tech companies are taking away all the diverse hires and they are doing “everything in their power.”
I’m sorry, but I feel the need to call bullshit on this.
If you were doing “everything in your power” you would be paying people in TV a much better wage. You would stop increasing your dividends to the shareholders and put that money back into salaries for the employees.
Tech companies treat their staff better.
Walk into many big tech companies and you see.
The employees are given top notch equipment, free snacks and food and given a place to relax when they feel the need.
But, most importantly, they pay a solid wage in which the employee doesn’t feel the need to to get a second job to make ends meet.
You are not doing “everything in your power” and you not doing a good job at making diverse hires. If you were, the FCC won’t believe that they have to bring back form reporting after 20 years.
You had two decades to address the problem and you didn’t.
Don’t blame big tech, just start paying people what they are worth.