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This is Why She Was Fired

When the suits at WarnerMedia handed Jeff Zucker his hat, CNN media critic Brian Stelter was quick to take up and man the Zucker defense fund.

He also came to the rescue of Zucker’s girlfriend and former CNN comms chief Allison Gollust.

“They made each other better,” Stelter said commenting on their work at CNN.

But, the New York Times reports that one of the reasons that Gollust joined Zucker on the unemployment line was the fact that she meddled in the newsgathering of CNN.

The Times reports that Gollust allowed former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to dictate what he wanted to be asked during an on-air interview in the early days of the pandemic.

Gollust, who previously worked for the disgraced Governor as his communications director, passed the suggested topics along to junior producers and wrote “Done” in an e-mailed reply to Cuomo’s request before a 2020 interview.

The fact that someone in marketing is wadding in the news waters is a huge red flag in itself. Yet here was Gollust passing along questions that Cuomo wanted to be asked to the news department. Here the head of CNN’s communications has involved herself in the pre-interview process of a news subject.

This is so far out of bounds for a local news operation, let alone a network.

When Stelter addressed Fox News host Sean Hannity’s close and meddling relationship with then President Donald Trump, Stelter appeared to be aghast that it was happening. But, here was Gollust doing the same thing with the Governor of New York and she was making Jeff Zucker “better”.

Gollust crossed so far over the line, she should have been fired and she was.

Also, Brian Stelter certainly seems to have a role in trying to help both Zucker and Gollust as enabler in their crisis management.

Stelter brags about his sources at Fox News and continues to dig up dirt on what is happening at FNC. He went so far to write a book about how Fox News bends and breaks the rules and while he was doing that, this is what was going on in his own house.

The fact that other media outlets are breaking stories about the mess that CNN was and is while CNN’s media reporter continues to ignore should be another red flag.

Just saying…

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