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The Inbox....

Time to see what you guys are weighing in on….

One FTVLive reader wanted to weigh in on this story.


Hola, Scott!

I just wanted to chime in on the story "Well, Okay Then..." that you posted regarding WCNC Anchor Ruby Durham's rather provocative video that she posted to her IG.

So I decided to check out her IG and all I ask is this one question:

How the hell are her station's General Manager, News Director and co-workers even OKAY with what she has on her IG, much less that post?

You would think that as a news journalist, particularly in a high profile position as an Anchor, your job is to sell the story you tell and most definitely project a level of professional integrity that viewers can relate to. I'm not saying that Miss Durham isn't a qualified journalist but her profile and posts make her seem more concerned on being an influencer and less on her job.

You can be a reporter and have a bit of fun being able to show how lovely you are but this doesn't help Miss Durham's standing in the news business when all viewers will know you for is what she's doing on IG.


This emailer worked with incoming KLAS GM Jay Howell and has a few thoughts:

As someone who worked under him at KCBS, I can tell you Jay Howell is bad for journalists, bad for morale and bad for people.

Jay was terminated for some horrendous things he did and said. He should never be allowed to manage people ever again.

Shame on Nexstar for scooping up a disgraced executive and putting their people in a situation where they have to interact with Jay.

I wish them the best of luck with him. They’ll need it.


On behalf of the CNN employees that are happy to see Jeff Zucker finally get his due, thank you!

Thank you for calling out Zucker’s practices of pulling CNN down and his effort to take the news out of the cable news network.

While Brian Stelter might be crying at Zucker’s ouster, many of us longtime employees are happy to see the change.

Thanks for all you do.

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