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Laura Ingraham is Boycotting Airbnb

Fox News host and hate spewer Laura Ingraham says that she is now boycotting Airbnb.

Ingraham said that her reason for the boycott was due to the fact that Airbnb had banned Michelle Malkin from using the service because she is “actively affiliated with hate groups.”

The ban came after it was widely reported that Malkin attended the white nationalist organization American Renaissance’s meeting in Nashville.

The Anti-Defamation League warned that “Malkin’s bold support of and interaction with white supremacists points to the increasingly fine line between people who call themselves ‘American nationalists’ and recognizable white supremacy. “

“I’m not using Airbnb. Bye. Goodbye. I’ve used them before, not going to use them now.”

Ingraham did not say how often she used Airbnb, but we’re going to guess that it wasn’t very often.

Also, can you imagine having Laura Ingraham stay at your place?

It seems like the fumigation bill alone after she leaves would eat up your profits.

Just saying….

H/T Mediaite

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