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One News Director That is Taking a Stand for MMJ's

it’s a tiny market, and WALB (Albany, GA) News Director Jerry Goodman has been on the job only 4 months, but we have to give him props for making MMJ safety a top priority.

Goodman has a policy in place that many other News Directors don’t have the guts to put in place.

In a post to his LinkedIn, Goodman writes in part:

I run a newsroom that has a Safety-First policy. What does that mean?
- If you don’t feel safe, you don’t have to do it.
- No solo live shots in the dark.
- No solo live shots anywhere if you are not comfortable.
- No solo door knocks.
- No working anywhere in isolated areas nor anywhere you may be vulnerable.

He says that for him, it’s an easy choice, “I ask myself, “Would I want my daughter put in that position?” It’s an easy answer!”

Many News Directors scoff at safety issues and they want to keep their bosses happy and cut corners where they can.

A number of News Directors have spent barely any time in the field and have no clue.

Goodman is making safety a priority and for that, he should be applauded.

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