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Another CBS News Executive Bolting the Eye

CBS News London Bureau Chief Andy Clarke held an emergency Zoom meeting with the staff to tell them that he is leaving the network.

Clarke then followed up the call with an internal email that was obtained by FTVLive:

A number of people missed the call and have asked me to post the text: -

Back in January I submitted my resignation.

Since then, I've been talking to the company, but I can now tell you that I will leave CBS News on Friday, 25th March.

I held on through Christmas as I wanted to make sure our Afghan colleagues would make it to Canada and that is guaranteed to happen in the next few weeks.

It's been a largely enjoyable 38-years, for many I was privileged enough to have a front row seat helping to write the first draft of history.

In 2006, when I turned from poacher to gamekeeper, by joining the ranks of management, I was determined to try to make a difference. I've always tried to put people first, not always succeeding in some peoples view, but our dysfunctional family is important to me, because when the dark days hit, we need each other's support. The support you have shown me over the years is much more than I could possibly ever have expected. And I will need your support in the coming weeks. I thank you all for everything you have done to make so many years here so enjoyable.

But now it's time to move on, and you will be better served by a new leader. I will continue as normal until my successor is appointed and I will help in a smooth transition.

Once again, thank you for all the support you have given me. And with that I think you have some work to get back to.

A CBS News insider tells FTVLive that Clarke is, “the latest major talent to flee the network because of Neeraj (Neeraj Khemlani CBS News Co-President) who many say is stripping the news from CBS. Now there is a panic in London that the bureau will be stripped down significantly. In fact, the talk is Andy resigned because he refused to lead a mass firing.”

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