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Holiday Mode at The Bunker

FTVLive has updated this website every day, including every holiday, weekend, sick days, and even in hurricanes for almost 9 years straight.

9 years without a single day off that is 3285 days.

So you might be thinking, I know where this is going.

But you are wrong.

I’m not taking any time off, I am just going to go into “Holiday Mode” starting Tuesday and going through the rest of the year.

I will still be posting stories each and every day, it just might not be as many stories as you are used to.

There is no doubt that this is the slow time of year for news about TV news and instead of just filling space, we will report the news about TV news that is worth reporting.

Just wanted to give you guys a heads-up, if you felt FTVLive.com looked a bit lighter than normal.

BTW- Twitter has a new policy that says you can’t tell people that they can find you on Post. If you do it on Twitter, they will ban you. You can find me on Post at this link.

Now, let’s do some news…..

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