You Can Cross Her Out Off the Schedule
MSNBC parted ways with host Tiffany Cross after executives felt her commentary did not meet the standards of MSNBC or NBC News.
The ousting came just one day after Cross called the state of Florida, “the dick of the country.”
MSNBC insiders say that the suits at MSNBC had gown uncomfortable with some of the comments made by Cross and the Florida comment was the final straw.
Cross often fired back at comments made by hosts over at Fox News, which made her firing cheered on by many on the right.
This was her “dick” comment that also seemed to be the last straw.
MSNBC knew when they hired Cross that she was a shoot from the hip personality and she was the left’s Tucker Carlson.
She was going to say controversial stuff that would rile up the other side and get people talking.
Tucker Carlson does the same thing, but his job is not anywhere near being in danger, yet Cross has been kicked to the curb.