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But, It's Unwatchable...

Yesterday, FTVLive told you how Scripps’ owned KTNV in Las Vegas brings on this clown on their pay-for-play show Morning Blend.

The guy, Neil someone, apparently owns a pawn shop and he pays the station money to help pimp his store.

The segment we showed you lasted 6 minutes, although honestly, we could only watch for a few seconds, due to the graphics behind the store owner.

The floating rings, watches, animals, ect, could make a viewer dizzy.

While TV stations look at these pay-for-play shows and segments the same way a crack-addict looks at cocaine, this segment is just awful.

I don’t care how much this guy is paying the station, at least make it something that is close to watchable.

The Executive Producer of the show apparently did not like the story on FTVLive and took to Twitter to defend this segment.

First off, I said right from the top that it was a pay-for-play segment and I never said that news was involved.

That being said, everything that the station puts on its air, reflects on the station as a whole. This segment is just plain embarrassing. Just because the guy pays for it, can’t someone from the station work with him to put on a segment that is a bit more professional?

Lastly, the line that I always hated when I worked in TV news more than anything else was “we have always done it that way.”

So often, I wanted to change something and I would hear, “But, we have always done it that way.”

Maybe it is time to evolve and move forward.

When you say that he’s been on the show for 10+ years doing this crap, maybe it is time for a change.

Imagine if people like Alexander Graham Bell, Elon Musk, or Steve Jobs just listened to the people that said, “but we have always done it that way”?

I wonder where we would be.

Just because you are a pay-for-play show doesn’t mean you can’t make the show better. Put on a product that you are proud of that the advertiser pays for and the viewer might want to watch. That is a win/win.

As for the host of the show, Shawn Tempesta, we used a picture of him introducing the segment (right) and he just replied that he knew one day, he would end up on FTVLive.

That day was yesterday.

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