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Now it's Chris Cuomo That is the Accused Harasser

Just weeks after Andrew Cuomo stepped down as NY governor after allegations of sexual harassment, now the shoe is on the other Cuomo.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo is be accused of sexual harassment by his one time boss at ABC News.

Shelley Ross says that the CNN host grabbed and squeezed her buttock at a party in 2005.

In The New York Times opinion piece, Ross described how she thought Cuomo"escaped accountability" for his involvement in managing the response to the sexual harassment scandal surrounding his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Both Chris and Andrew have been described as incredibly arrogant and one person that knows both, tells FTVLive if they had to name the most arrogant of the two, it would be Chris.

“No question it’s Chris, he has always felt he is more important and bigger than everyone else,” said the source.

Ross seems to concur, writing that an incident at a going-away party for an ABC colleague.

"When Mr. Cuomo entered the Upper West Side bar, he walked toward me and greeted me with a strong bear hug while lowering one hand to firmly grab and squeeze the cheek of my buttock," she wrote. "'I can do this now that you’re no longer my boss,' he said to me with a kind of cocky arrogance."

Ross recalled she said, "No, you can't,” as she pushed him away.

She did say that sometime after the incident, Chris Cuomo did apologize for his behavior in an email, saying he was "ashamed.”

Cuomo responded to the Times, saying, “As Shelley acknowledges, our interaction was not sexual in nature. It happened 16 years ago in a public setting when she was a top executive at ABC. I apologized to her then, and I meant it.”

It is likely looking at CNN’s track record with people like Jeffery Toobin and others that Cuomo will get off with a slap on the wrist from Jeff Zucker.

CNN has been good about pointing out the "#MeToo movement until it involves one of their own.

We expect nothing will change in this case.

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