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The “Biggest minister of Misinformation”

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that CNN’s media critic Brian Stelter was going top be taking calls on C-Span in an effort to pimp his book.

FTVLive doesn’t have cable and we were not able to watch Jeff Zucker’s puppet take calls, not that we would have anyway.

But, one caller seemed to sum up Stelter’s fall from Journalist to propagandist fairly well.

“Good morning. Mr. Stelter is the biggest minister of misinformation I've ever heard and I'm a news junkie. This gentleman told the American people and his news organization, which he was pretty much had control over, for four years that there was Russian collusion. And actually, after all, the 35, 40 million dollars of the government investigation come to find out, there was zero, zero collusion from the Trump administration and Russia.”

 Maybe Stelter should get “minister of misinformation” printed on his business cards.

One FTVLive reader thought that one of the calls that praised Stelter sounded an awful lot like CNN’s Oliver Darcy.

As we said, we couldn’t see the show, so we can’t comment on that.

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