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Making the Move to the Square

Last week, FTVLive told you that CBS is moving the CBS This Morning show into a swanky new studio in NYC’s Time Square.

One CBS employee emailed FTVLive with their thoughts.

So the move to Times Square. I guarantee you EVERYONE in the building is jealous because when you walk into the building on 57th Street you get to walk past a methadone clinic that is right next to it every day. Trust me, when you're on the morning show and you go in at 2am you get to see all kinds of sad and crazy waiting for their morning dose. So it doesn't surprise me that the fancy show gets to move. Meanwhile the rest of us are stuck in a rat/roach infested building where we have literal mouse traps by our desks in the CBS2 (WCBS) newsroom. It's so damn gross. If you go down to the cafeteria you can watch cockroaches crawling around the place where you throw your food away. I don't even begin to know how this building isn't closed down for health violations. So in other words - good for them! Wish I could go to Times Sq!

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