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Sudden GM Change in Seattle

This is a good reason to not take a vacation….

KCPQ (Seattle) General Manager Pam Pearson was gone from the station while she was on vacation and the staff at the Fox O&O were told in an email that there was going to be a staff meeting in 20 minutes.

Fox O&O boss Jack Abernethy announced on a Zoom call that Pearson was being replaced by Sheila Oliver. Pearson did not appear on the call.

While Abernethy was speaking, someone started to screen record the meeting and Abernethy ended the meeting abruptly.

As FTVLive FIRST told you, KCPQ News Director Erik Breon is on administrative leave from the station and his status is unknown.

“This place is a literal shit show,” said one station insider to FTVLive.

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