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Spinning the Numbers

This graphic appeared on Fox News….

First off, you might remember that in 2020 we were in something called a “pandemic” and many businesses shutdown, or had employees working remotely.

Gas dropped significantly due to the fact that demand dropped.

But, Fox doesn’t want to let the facts get in the way of a good story.

As for inflation, certainly we are headed that direction. But, what Fox News did not point out is that in 2020 the the Federal Reserve, under Donald Trump, printed almost 20% of all money in circulation.

In other words 20% of all the U.S. money in the world was printed in a single year.

That certainly is driving the inflation along with other factors.

Fox News should report on these stories, but they should also add context to the story, instead of just spitting out right-wing talking points.

Just saying….

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