Sinclair Station Hands Out Bonuses
Sinclair recently laid off hundreds of employees at their stations across the country.
But, many of those working at the Sinclair stations (WKEF/WRGT) in Dayton are getting an extra $500 bucks in their paycheck.
Here is the internal email sent to the staff and obtained by FTVLive:
MCO or Master Control Operators are often some of the lowest paid staffers at the station. According to the memo, while most of the staff is getting $500 bucks, those working in MCO are only getting $400.
Why is that?
According to a station insider, it seems that the MCO’s also run Mater Control for the Sinclair station in Buffalo. While the Dayton stations reached their sales quota, it appears that the Buffalo station did not.
So, the MCO’s get short changed a C-note, despite the fact that they work hundreds of miles from Buffalo.
A station insider writes:
“it should be noted that 2 years ago, a similar incident occurred: Dayton did NOT make their sales quota, but Buffalo DID. the MCOs received no bonus or additional money from Buffalo meeting their quota. So, it seems the following is true:
-If Dayton AND Buffalo make their quota, the Dayton MCOs get the full Dayton bonus.
-If Dayton ONLY makes their quota, the Dayton MCOs get a reduced Dayton bonus.
-If Buffalo ONLY makes their quota, the Dayton MCOs get NO bonus at all.
Sinclair corporate should step in and make this right. Although, we won’t hold our breath.
Also, why is a company that just laid off hundreds of people handing out bonuses at all?
Just wondering….