I Agree.....BUT
KXLY (Spokane) News Director Melissa Luck posted this message to her follow News Managers on her social media.
I agree with this….. I always said if you’re the News Director and you feel you must call the station every few hours when you are not there, then you hired the wrong people.
I felt, as an ND, that I could get hit by a bus and the news department would run just fine without me.
But, while I agree with Luck posted, I wonder if the same rules apply to those working for her? It’s nice that the boss can skip out of work early, but what about the rest of the news staff?
Can the Anchor just walk off the set in the middle of the newscast, to go see his/her son play soccer?
If they can’t, then does it set a bad example that the boss can leave, but the staff must stick around and work?
When you make that decision to become a Journalist, you are making the decision to work crazy hours, you are making the decision to make sacrifices in your personal life. It comes with the job.
You want great hours and holidays off? Go work at a bank.
Just throwing this out there.