Sinclair Looks to Sports Departments for Cuts
Sinclair cares?
I’m not so sure of that.
Sources tell FTVLive that at least 8 people at WKRC (Cincinnati), including 3 in the news department found out that Sinclair doesn’t care for them. One of those that were cut worked in the sports department.
It appears that when it came time to start whacking people, Sinclair looked straight at the sports departments.
A sports Anchor was cut in Las Vegas.
At WPEC (West Palm Beach) it appears that Sports Anchor Anna Logans is one of the Sinclair victims.
We hear that the sports department was all but wiped out at WTVC in Chattanooga.
WSET kicked their Sports Director a Reporter and a Photographer to the curb.
No word on final numbers, but a lot of really good people are out of work.
WVEC (Norfolk) Executive Producer Matt Repino posted on Twitter that his station which is owned by Tegna has a number of job openings.
It sucks losing your job, but sadly in TV news it seems to happen to almost everyone at one time or another.
Thankfully, a number of media groups are weathering the pandemic much better than Sinclair has and there are still hiring.
If you are one of those that was pushed out by Sinclair, it’s time to make looking for a job, your full-time job. Let the pity-party be short and get back to finding a job.
Good luck.