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The Inbox...

A couple of people wanted to weigh in on the Nexstar policy that they can make employees pay for broken equipment.

Email 1:

Slippery slope? Naw... we are already down the slide with Nexstar. It is too late now and will not change until the bosses change.

1st it was about swearing. Now they can't trust their kids with not breaking their stuff. Nexstar is now a control freak parent and maybe they always were.

Nexstar needs everything in writing now and more policies may be made because that is now Nexstar's culture. Controlling their employees on everything is now more important than doing the news.

I said it before and I will say it again. F**k N******r. Yes, Nexstar is still a swear word with me.

Email 2:

Having been in maintenance for many years, sometimes the techs will make a mistake and screw up a fix for a variety of reasons.

Maybe the station should hire, then educate and train employees…..what a concept!
Does this also go for managers and office employees who break office equipment?

Reason #900 to walk out of station employment.

All this is, is another reason to fire somebody….the “court” of management knows little about what work is done, and probably breaks more stuff than any employee ever did.

Email 3:

Imagine that your camera breaks and you just figured out that you will have to write the company a check to fix it. “Oh shit!” you scream as the camera breaks.

Now, you have also violated the Nexstar swearing policy and you are getting fired.

Do you still have to pay for the camera now?

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