Can You Fake an American Accent?
FTVLive told you about KIRO (Seattle) Anchor Siemny Kim who was told by the station’s News Director that if she wanted the job, she was going to have to change her name. ‘
She was not ASKED if she wanted to change her name, she was told if she didn’t, she would not get the job.
James Mahon was a Reporter in Tennessee, he is also Irish and spoke with an Irish accent. He posted to his social media that at one point in his career, a boss asked him if he could fake an American accent while filing his reports.
Mahon tweeted to FTVLive the story:
Mahon says he regrets faking the accent to this day.
No word if the Assistant News Director that asked a Reporter to fake something, regrets that as well.
Update: He clarified his post a bit: