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Response to The White Out in Little Rock

Yesterday, FTVLive pointed out that Tegna’s KTHV in Little Rock seemed to be sorely lacking in diversity on their on-air talent.

For quite some time, FTVLive has been pointing out stations that need to take a look at their on-air staff and the lack of diversity that it represents.

After yesterday’s story, I got a number of emails, some thanking me for pointing this out and some saying I was wrong to bring up the issue of race at the station. Others made excuses as to why the KTHV staff looks like it does.

A number of people pointed at other stations in the Little Rock market that also seem to have a diversity problem with their on-air talent.

You can agree with me, or disagree with me.

My goal was to get people talking about this and that goal was achieved.

For years, FTVLive has been talking about the need for more people of color and women needed in top management jobs at TV stations. I will continue to spread that message in hopes that it will happen.

I’m not in the position to hire people that TV stations, no matter if they are owned by Tegna, Nexstar, Sinclair or anyone else. But, I can bring up the issue and move it to the forefront and that is what I have done and that is what I will continue to do.

Many problems with news coverage of events, like what is happening in Georgia right now can be solved by having more diversity in the newsrooms.

This should be a top priority for all stations.

As for the people that emailed me and called me names for pushing for more diversity in TV news, how can I politely put this….

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