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More reaction to the Nexstar banning swearing story and the Seattle Anchor (who admits he doesn’t read FTVLive) trying to call out FTVLive.


Nexstar is very quietly rolling out a non-swearing policy to all employees, including production and off-air. All curse words of any kind are banned anywhere on the property. Some stations are having people sign paperwork acknowledging it’s a fireable offense to utter a swear at work. As is Nexstar’s MO: nothing is in writing companywide to likely protect from backlash, which makes the rollout wildly inconsistent. Some have been told we’re not even allowed to say words like “damn,” which don’t fall under the FCC on air ban anyway.

IMO policing language like this even in casual settings in the workplace sets a dangerous precedent for future restrictions. And since I’m allowed to say it here: this policy is absolutely batshit.


Travis and Galen calling you a bully and homophobic, huh? Nope.

I bet they have gone through a lot of shit in their lives and may be venting their personal frustrations out on the wrong person, you. They took your posts too personally. Pretty easy trap for us all to fall into. Hard to avoid. Travis and Galen failed to avoid that trap.

News anchors should know better on getting the facts straight before throwing out a false accusation. Call out the real bullies and homophobes. There are plenty. But not you. You hold us accountable. And we need more of that to cut into our egos before it is too late.

Keep doing what you are doing. I understand that your work is important!


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