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Nexstar Wants a Name On It

A Digital Media Reporter at a Nexstar station says that the company is making a rule change that will require author names to be placed on all stories that are posted to the stations’ websites.

“We've been informed that aliases will no longer be allowed when writing web content. No more generic "staff" bylines,” the Nexstar staffer told FTVLive.

The staffer believes why the company is making the change, “I'm sure it all has to do with keeping up with how much we post, so they can fire us later if we don't meet a quota,” the employee said.

The staffer said that Nexstar is supposed to have sent out an email with details, but they have not yet received it.

We’re not sure the reason for the change, but in this case, FTVLive agrees with Nexstar policy. It is the same reason we put our name on every story we write here on FTVLive. There are too many anonymous trolls hiding behind a keyboard. If you write it, own it.

I do think there should be some exceptions to the policy for the safety of the staff, but for the most part, I agree with Nexstar on this one.

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