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Is Fredo Finished at CNN?

FTVLive told you yesterday that CNN had finally done what they should have done months ago….

They pulled CNN host Chris Cuomo from the air.

Cuomo admitted to crossing ethical lines when it came to trying to keep his brother Andrew, in the NY Gov mansion, as claims of inappropriate conduct mounted against the former governor.

FTVLive told you yesterday that a story dropped in the New York Times that showed just how far Chris Cuomo had crossed the line when it came to helping his brother.

In our story posted just after 4 AM yesterday, FTVLive wrote that “if Cuomo worked at almost any other media outlet, he would be out of a job. But, he works at CNN and works for Jeff Zucker, so there is a chance (some would say a good chance) he keeps his job.

The bottom-line….Chris Cuomo needs to be exited at CNN and if he isn’t, Jeff Zucker should be.”

A number of CNN staffers reached out to FTVLive telling us that they agreed completely with that statement and were pissed that Cuomo was still behind the host desk doing his show.

Well, as the heat of Jeff Zucker grew even hotter, Zucker was finally ready to throw Chris Cuomo to the wolves in an effort to turn down the heat on himself.

The network announced that it had suspended Chris Cuomo indefinitely.

Many CNN insiders think that Chris Cuomo has hosted his last show at CNN and FTVLive believes that as well.

While Jeff Zucker should have taken this action weeks ago, it wasn’t until the pressure was really applied that he caved.

The fact that the NY Times did the work that CNN should have done shows you again how Zucker failed CNN as a leader.

It is time that Jeff Zucker joined Chris Cuomo on the indefinitely suspended list.

I won’t hold my breath on that happening anytime soon.

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